Tingle Creek Chase 2:25 Sandown

Win Stats:

Age: 6-9 = 86% 

Bred: IRE, FR, = 93%

LTO: 1-3 = 86%

Days: 20+ = 100%

Runs: = 0-1 86%

Grade 1 or 2 winner = 100% Grade 1 = 79%

Distance: = 100%

OR: S.D = 161+ Mean = 169+

Crosstab Age/Bred: 6-9 FR 8-9 IRE

Significant Stats:

OR 167+

Winner analysis:

The three horses at the top of the market meet the significant stat and it should pay to focus on them. CPS comes out slightly best on the general stats however I'm not going to have a bet at such short price. No bet for me but good luck if you are using the stats. 


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