Melling Chase

Win Stats:

Age: 7-10 = 88%

Bred: IRE, FR = 94%

Days: 0-39 = 100%

Runs: 3-5 = 94%

Cheltenham run: Yes = 100%

Cheltenham Race: QM or Ryanair = 100%

Grade: 1 = 94%

OR: S.D 160+ Mean 168+

Season RPR: S.D 163+ Mean 171+

Crosstab Age/Bred: 8-10 IRE 6-8 FR

Significant Stats:

Season RPR 163+

Grade 1

OR 160+ 168+ high

Runs 3-5

Days 0-39

Cheltenham run but must be in the QM or Ryanair

Winner analysis:

Funambule Sivola (6/1) meets 5/6 of the sig stats and has the best profile and I’ve already backed EW. I’m pretty confident of a big run, I just hope the trip doesn’t stretch him too much. The fav, Fakir D’Oudairies (13/8) meets 4/6 and is obviously FS main danger.  


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