Queen Mary Stakes

Win Stats:

Days: 0-59 = 100%

Bred: GB, IRE, USA = 100%

LTO: 1-2 = 100%

Runs: 1-3 = 90%

Best RPR: S.D 88+ Mean 93+

Sire Index: 6.1 – 9.6 

Foaled: Jan – Apr = 100%

Significant Stats:

Foaled Jan – March

LTO 1-2 

Best RPR 92+

Winner analysis:

Three strong significant stats and a correlation between LTO 1st and RPR 92+. Five horses meet the sig stats and four of those also meet the correlation. Love Reigns (3/1), Katey Kontent (10/1), Maria Branwell (10/1), and Manhattan Jungle (25/1). The American horse will no doubt make all however her price is fairly skinny and is based on trainer comments. I'll be looking at all those mentioned in greater detail and assessing the impact of the draw after day 1.


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