Stayers' Hurdle

EW Stats:

Age: 6-9 = 85%

Bred: IRE, FR, GB = 98%

Runs: 2-5 = 92%

Days: 21+ = 97%

LTO: 1-4 = 95%

Grade: 1 or 2 = 92%

Grade LTO: 1-2 = 91%

Distance: 19f+ = 100%

Left handed win: = 94%

OR: S.D = 154+ Mean = 161+

Season RPR: S.D = 155+ Mean = 161+

EW Analysis:

Teehupoo (4/1) has the best profile, followed by Home By The Lee (6/1) and Flooring Porter (6/1).

Win Stats:

Age: 6-9 = 100%

Bred: IRE, FR, GB = 100%

Runs: 2-5 = 90%

Days: 21+ = 100%

Distance: = 85%

Distance: 20f+ = 91%

LTO: 1-2 = 85%

Grade: 1 or 2 = 100%

Left handed win: 100%

Grade LTO: 1-2 = 91%

OR: S.D = 156+ Mean = 164+

Season RPR: S.D = 159+ Mean = 166+

Significant Stats:

OR 159+ High 164+

Season RPR 159+ High 165 +


Correlation between position, OR (164), SRPR (165), Bred (IRE, FR) and runs (2-4)

Winner analysis:

No horse meets all three sig stats but quite a few meet two. Blazing Khal (3/1), Maries Rock (4/1), Teehupoo, Flooring Porter, Klassical Dream (10/1) and the veteran Paisley Park (14/1). Teehupoo has the best general profile out of them all. This looks a very competitive race with no horse with a stand out profile. 


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