Lowther Stakes

Win Stats:

Bred: GB, IRE = 95%

Runs: 2-5 = 90%

LTO: 1-3 = 90%

OR: 94+ Mean 102+

Sire Index: 6.6 - 9.7

Dams Sire Index: 6.9 - 11-4

Significant Stats:

No sig stats

Winner analysis:

Cherry Blossom (2/1), Flora Of Bermuda (5/1) and Star Of Mystery (9/1) fit all of the stats. Cherry Blossom looked impressive winning her maiden last time out, and Flora Of Bermuda also won well at Goodwood, albeit on soft ground. Star Of Mystery had looked very good winning a listed race at Newmarket, however her run last time out was below par and she has to bounce back, connections have opted for a tongue tie to help.  


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